Live Streaming Technology Giving Poker Players A Number Of New Advantages

Published on November 10, 2017|Last Updated on October 2, 2018 Author:Adrian Sterne

Poker fans have been watching poker on television since the late 1970’s, it was only in the early 2000’s that they could see exactly what was happening at the poker tables. Fast-forward to a few years later, and live streaming technology completely revolutionized the way people watch poker games.

People now have uninhibited access to live games with hole cards on a short delay. Poker viewing today is drastically different that what it was a few decades back, and this change has brought with it a plethora of opportunities that are often accompanied with interesting challenges as well – challenges that most poker players have come to embrace.

Hence, poker live streaming has been seeing a steady increase in terms of the number of players that want to participate in live streaming games. There are a number of live streaming websites of which ‘Twitch’ is the most popular.

Live streaming websites are especially popular among the technologically savvy younger generation who are using live streaming to build their brand. We take a look at some of the advantages that live streaming offers poker players of today.

International Audience

Live streaming lets poker players reach an audience all over the world. Even relatively unknown players can establish their personal brand and rack up an impressive number of followers. Consistency is the key to succeeding in this business, which means players are required to constantly engage their followers in order to take full advantage of the global market. This kind of exposure can help players find sponsorship from various sources.

Free Learning

Live streaming gives players the opportunity to go back and learn by watching themselves and their competition. People can now re-watch poker games to find out where they went wrong and also learn from some of the more experienced and accomplished players by observing their games. Although learning from these games gives people a huge advantage, there are some players who aren’t comfortable live streaming as it allows other players to study their game and prepare to beat them.

Poker Strategy

While the debate still goes on as to whether poker is a game of chance or skill, professional poker players know that being consistent at winning, require a great poker strategy. To be successful, players need to constantly make sure that their game is improving and evolving. Top poker experts and pro often feature on live streaming poker games as commentators. They provide valuable insight and criticism sometimes that can be used by poker players to improve their game.

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